our vineyards
At Good Intentions Wine Co. we aim at making wines which emphasise our complex region of Mount Gambier expressing its unique and exciting Volcanic soils, limestone, shallow flint and ocean presence.
We are from a unique place expressing unique wines!
Our vineyards consist of three leased sites and two sites planted on our family property, all within the proximity of the landed volcanic ash from one of Australia's most recent eruption.
Our viticulture regime is ; immediately ceasing any use of herbicide spraying in favour of our own unique spray concoction of fermented seaweed collected from the beach down the road, along with organic copper and sulphurs to protect us against mildews. Additionally we have produced a home made product of worm castings from banks around the property. We believe strongly in the creation of spray preps made from on, or close by, our farm. We choose to let sheep chew our grasses down over winter and let the vineyards express their growth over spring and summer.
Mount Gambier is home to the youngest volcanoes in the country and some of the most fertile soils so the vigour in our vines is very high. Weeds and grasses under vine compete and help reduce this vigour. This makes organic growing in this region a great choice.
All of our leased vineyards lie on the south side of the volcano, on limestone soils. When the volcano erupted it dropped volcanic ash on the south side, and we love that it is here where all these vineyards are planted on.

Boxer's Vineyard
Owners Les and Jackie Wright have become great friends, working on their beautiful hilly north facing vineyard is a luxury. The vineyard was set up as bush vines originally and later trellised and maintained beautifully by them for years. They still love to be involved and sharing a beer after a long day in the vineyard is special. This 2 Ha block is planted out completely to MV6 Pinot.
Volcanic Lakes
This vineyard is the closest plantings to the Blue lake (volcanic crater). Planted to Chardonnay at the base of the slope, this vineyard was left to its own devices for years until we starting running it in 2016. It has been a long road back and due to the bird's love for this vineyard we have only harvested a total of 90 kg since we started! Its lack of attention however has meant it has become resilient and we have had very few mildew problems even without spraying. We see great potential in this 1 Ha block. This 2019 wine we have made is quite special.

Lake of Fire Vineyard
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